Firelight Bird Dogs

Firelight Bird Dogs

Saturday, August 31, 2024

A Glimpse of Fall

Temps on some recent nights have dipped into the 40’s, a few young trees are showing color and a few ferns are turning brown. Messages and conversations are asking what are my western travel plans, all indications that autumn is almost here.

Those who have met up with me on the road are familiar with this rig that served me well for many years.

But this year I switched up to something more compact and easier to manage, especially when traveling alone. The Class B+ motorhome itself is very nice for short trips for visiting and for hunting trips out west it will pull my Jeep to use for hunts. For those doing a doggy and crate head count and notice only 6 crates, my two senior girls will ride loose. 

An advantage of taking the whole pack with me is that my timing for travel is completely flexible.   Meanwhile I of course will enjoy the grouse hunting that surrounds my home but I will watch for favorable weather out west and head out when it feels right. 

This will be the second season for the young dogs from the trial-line outcross that I did last year, and I particularly can’t wait for them to get out west.  I have been able to closely watch the development of several from the litter, including the two that I own/co-own. There is less variation within the litter than often seen in outcrosses, which as a breeder is nice to see, and prelim X-rays were good/excellent. All did well in their puppy season with two stars who particularly embody the traits for which I was striving:  sweet, kind dogs who are easy to look at, live and hunt with.  At five months and for the rest of their puppy season, those two were slamming points on grouse with tall, proud points, backing, and retrieving. With their strong drive and bird finding, they have the raw goods, and I look forward to seeing how they continue to develop.  


I am impressed enough with that litter that this winter I am planning to do a similar outcross with their mother, my Dance, with a different, similar pedigree male that I met this summer.  Pictured below, he impressed me in many ways, and I am conversing with his owner about the possibility. Assuming these outcrosses prove themselves as I’m thinking, the next step in a couple of years would be to breed the offspring back into my own line to hopefully lock in the traits gained as well as preserve the long valued Firelight traits.  

So that’s a glimpse of what is planned for Firelight this fall.  I wish everyone a joyful autumn, doing what you love and hopefully following a white tailed setter afield. 

Lynn Dee

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Guyz Got Game

By Randy Lawrence

Painful admission:  I have been a sexist pig for most of my gun dog life.  I have traditionally owned, hunted, lived with (for) female English setters.

But when I hear bloviating self-appointed experts drone on about females being “more predacious” or males being “more focused in training” or females being "sweeter" or more "cooperative" or males being forever marking things and spoiling for a brawl, I'm the first to call "Meadow Muffins."  Most of those sorts of notions stem from folktales, casual-at-best dog handlers, and weird anthropomorphic stereotypes.  I simply liked a good dog;  several of my best just happened to be females.

Still, I get it.  Unlike other loathsome stereotypes, there are admitted biological considerations in bird dog girl/boy biases, especially with intact females who will absolutely come into heat on their schedule, not on the Division of Wildlife’s calendar of seasons.  And yes, males require monitoring and managing regarding manners and jostling for pecking order (though anyone who has broken up a fight between females, four-legged or two, might agree that breaking up a male fracas is much less perilous).

But in general, I believe issues of “maleness” in bird dogs are really handler issues.  In a short online piece entitled "Dog or Bitch - What Makes the Best Gundog," the trainer of Great Britain's Fenway Labradors, Jeremy Hunt, writes "(A) well-trained dog is aware that he has to contain his amorous intentions in just the same way that he has had to master other parts of his training as a civilized male.  For some owners that degree of control is not always achieved in their dogs and can be a lifetime nuisance."

In other words, most, if not all, of that Billy Bad Boy marking and humping and macho posturing is a handler problem, not a "comes with the testicles" inevitability.

I am almost embarrassed to admit that there was a time when my bias toward females was rooted in that I saw a great working female setter or pointer as a sustainable enterprise, one that would keep friends and me in class gun dogs into perpetuity, whilst generating a little sump'n-sump'n for the coffers.  Ask any serious gun dog aficionado who's at least on his or her 2nd kennel-and-yard scoop about that, and you will hear hearty guffaws (or at least discreet chuckles).  

For most of us amateurs deluded enough to raise two or three litters in a lifetime, that notion of reproducing Her Nibs of Wingbeats or, worse, generating a windfall of shekels-for-puppies seldom works out.  When it does, it's more serendipity than science.  And once we've outfitted friends, family, and ourselves with that next generation puppy, where's the backyard breeder's market for responsible, well-suited hunting homes?

We live and learn.   While we’re at it, let's dispense with the 300-lb gorilla in the corner:  the vets and quick-fix (pun gleefully intended) problem solvers whose answer to every behavioral issue even tangentially relative to our dogs' sexuality is drugs and scalpel.  That's the subject for its own blog post, but briefly, especially where males are concerned, my own observations come down solidly with the aforementioned Jeremy Hunt at : "...(W)hile vets are now very keen to dismantle male dog parts with great enthusiasm from a young age, the only real advantage I see is that it removes the ability to deliver the goods rather than diffuses (sic) the sexual urge.  So while it's never wise to make generalizations, I would say that castration does not always take away the sex-drive and is no auto cure to re-educating a dog that loves to go a 'bitching.'"

From the distaff side of things, spaying can have obvious and legitimate advantages for a working female, though not without certain concerns.  Likewise hormonal alteration or behavioral drug administration for either sex makes me more than a little concerned about long term consequences and possible impact on field performance.

So, all things considered, at this point in my life, when I look at a litter, it’s the male puppies I am watching. Sometimes, that’s an advantage in that we are living in a time which, for better or worse, has folks bent on a female, meaning there are often more males available from which to choose.

Beyond that, when folks ask, “Why a male?”, I nod toward the three male English setters and British Labrador who travel, hunt, and live day to day with me and each other with minimal supervision. Better yet, I hold up the example of my friend Flint, the intact Token Dude who amiably lives in a sea of progesterone at the Firelight home office.


Flint is a bird hunter's bird dog.  He trained early and naturally.  He hunts to the gun with great application and stands his game with intensity.  Around the vehicles between hunts and at the hearth at home, Flint is biddable, agreeable, and kindly.  Bonded for life to his littermate, Kate, you can usually find him taking his leisure alongside her on one of the dog-dedicated divans scattered around the places where Lynn Dee Galey's pack vie to be wherever she is.

Lynn Dee is not anybody's notion of a "common" dog handler.  Flint hit the ground with Firelight brains and temperament, but Lynn Dee schooled "Uncle," Firelight Seth and Flint the same way as she does the females:  gender is a fact, not an excuse.  There will be order in the House of Firelight, regardless of personal plumbing.

The frat house that is this old farm has hummed right along without fevered longing, misplaced marking, or dopey male posturing (at least from the dogs).  But a few months back, we were graced by a self assured, rough and tumble young female named Firelight Spice, a prospect of uncommon precocity (if I do say so myself).  Obviously, I am much smitten, as in the old days.  But as this brash, dark beauty finds her spot in our hunting and home rotation, Seth, Deacon, Luke, and Finn mind their gentlemanly etiquette and daily remind Spice and me that "guyz got game" too.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

A Glimpse Into Learning

The other day on her run, 10 month old Crush snapped into a point on the trail but after just a few seconds self released and continued on up the trail.  About 30 yards later a grouse flushed wild only about 20 feet from her, unnoticed until the flush. She went crazy, working the area including backtracking to where she had hit that hint of scent. 

Fast forward to today when I was fooling around trying to get some video, and I saw this:

Swinging in to me, she hit scent;  it didn’t pass the sniff test so she didn’t point but she also didn’t leave. Instead she turned and hunted up parallel to the trail.  I can only imagine her nose was set on High at that moment.

 This 11 second video shows learning. In that brief encounter the other day she learned to not totally dismiss, or dwell upon, what might have been only a hint of scent. Instead, today, Crush turned and worked the cover forward. 

Lessons include me.  I was reminded to trust my puppy to learn and do the right things. I was reminded of the value of my staying quiet and letting the birds be the teacher, not thinking that I know more.  

Had I said "Whoa!" the other day when she hit point we maybe could have handled that particular bird.  She maybe would have learned that a hint of scent plus whoa = bird. However, I imagine that dogs come across crumbs of scent hundreds of time each run and it would be very inefficient (and aggravating to me) if the dog stopped and pointed each time because she thought that’s what I wanted.  I sure as heck don’t know what they are scenting or if there is indeed a bird there.  That's why I have a dog.  Had I interfered the other day she would not have had that mini lesson about running birds.  She learned more from her own mistake and the grouse's response than I could ever teach her.


The photo below is of my puppy, later in the run, pointing a bird that proved to be quite a ways off.  Crush is proving to be a good student. 

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Trial dogs and Llewellins - Oh My!

 By Lynn Dee Galey

For years breeders have been breeding their Ryman-types to Ryman-types, feeling it was perpetuating a good thing.  But genetic regression to the mean has resulted in common opinions in the bird dog world of Rymans such as “in the field they are as exciting as watching paint dry” and “is he on point or just standing there.”  It’s sad, but true as I have seen dogs that deserve that disheartening assessment.  I try to see and hunt with dogs from as many different lines as possible and also to watch field trials to give me perspective. That is what began my path to outcrossing in my own breeding program to continue my legacy of good looking traditional setters with a high dose of talent and style.

As someone who has been running setters since childhood and for a couple of decades also had show champions, I am all about having excellent bird finders who also please my eye.  But the field talent must come first in choosing breeding stock and talent can only be determined by seeing it with your own eyes.  Every owner loves to say that their birddog is “a really good one” but before I will breed to a dog I want to do my own experienced, objective assessment.

There is a startling variety of hunting English Setters in the US. But as Hall Carter of Old Hemlock Setters and I discussed one evening, really good bird dogs are simply really good bird dogs. A really good hunting dog could be successful in certain types of trials and the really good trial dogs can excel as hunters. It’s the “really good” that makes the difference.  Neither dogs who are boring to watch or dogs who are hyper and run into the next county are really good ones. 

Intentionally I live smack dab in prime grouse habitat.  Using wild birds for training and development allows my dogs to show me what they really have. It is also handy when I want to evaluate a potential stud dog and can simply invite them to come visit and we “take a walk” if I won’t have the opportunity to hunt with them come fall. 

This past fall, much of my hunting season was dedicated to developing puppies and a yearling.  This made for lots of fun and many, many trips into the woods.  Included in the group were one linebred Firelight pup, a yearling outcross to a CH Llewellin, and puppies from an outcross with some very famous trial champions behind their sire.  Too young for the fall was an “ace up my sleeve” of a beautiful granddaughter of my Seth, from the breeder of my very first English back in the ‘90’s.

One must be very aware that outcross breedings are not a matter of putting two dogs together and expecting that the puppies will be a lovely blending of the most desirable traits of each parent.  However, in these youngsters, the results were fun and promising. All of the youngsters are gentle, calm, biddable and good looking.  The linebred girl will be a solid, honest bird dog.  The Llewellin yearling outcross (and her siblings) are smooth, fun and eye catching afield, very productive bird finders and bird handlers for their age.   My two trial outcross puppies are super exciting.  Pointing grouse from 5 months, their search is advanced beyond their age;  they slam on to point and are cool and composed while holding birds.

2024 will see Firelight females bred to an outcross of a highly reputable “trial” line, a Llewellin outcross bred back to a Firelight male, and a linebred gal crossed to a very precocious old-blood Llewellin.  It promises to be a fun year.

Some of the youngsters from this past fall 

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Male Dog or Female Dog?

 I am frequently asked which do I think is better, male dogs or female dogs?  I’ll cut to the chase with an answer that reminds me of writing reports in my career in educational psychology:  There is greater difference between individuals than between the two groups (genders.)

Hunter preference for one gender over the other seems to run in waves. For a while the demand will be higher for males, then everyone wants females.  So, are there really differences and what are they?

  • With my dogs, the biggest real difference is going to be size.  My females are consistently 50 lbs, give or take a couple pounds.  My males have more variability, ranging from 55-65 lbs.  Size is pretty much a personal preference.  Some hunters feel that the musculature and bigger size of my males gives them an endurance advantage in thick cover, especially for those who hunt day after day.  Others feel that at 50 lbs the females are lighter on their feet and more agile, giving them better stamina. In the home and on your lap in front of the fire, some like that smaller dogs take up less space. Smaller crates take up less room in a vehicle as well.

  • Sexual maturity/desexing.  No doubt, females coming into heat is a disadvantage. It's messy.  We have to be so careful to keep her away from males and most boarding kennels won’t take a dog in heat.  And don’t they always seem to come into heat during hunting season?  If neutering the female is an option,  for multiple health reasons, the smart owner waits until she is at least 18 months before spaying so there will likely be at least one, maybe two heats to  endure before the spay.  Spaying is also costly; $500-800 seems pretty typical not to mention the risk of surgery which is minor, yet always worrisome.

  • There is no real reason or advantage to neutering a male; in fact studies show that doing so increases chances of bone cancer and ACL injuries.  The question of a male marking in the house is simple: that is an obedience and socialization issue, not a hormonal one, and falls under the same rules as housebreaking.  The same goes for “humping” human legs or other pets.

  • I breed for a smooth, shiny, low maintenance coat.  Females, once spayed, typically undergo a significant change in the quality and quantity of their coat. The texture becomes fluffy and cottony and often more profuse which requires more grooming especially after hunting. The same can happen if one neuters a male.

  • I am often asked about gender personality differences.  This is a tough one and definitely where I think that individual differences matter more than gender. A broad generalization is that my male dogs are perhaps more selfless and just want to be your buddy. They want to ride shotgun in the truck and hang out with me in the workshop.  They will lie on the hard floor just to rest their head on my boot.  My females are very affectionate and will race to the door to go with me and want to be in the same room as I, but once there they seek their own comfort on chairs, dog beds or the sofa. In my experience, my females perhaps are a bit more focused on themselves, the males on the owner.

  • Some hunters have had the awful experience of a buddy having an aggressive dog that harasses or attacks other dogs at the truck or at camp. Those attacks typically involve males but I must say that I have never known one of my males to be aggressive.  A bad situation can create a problem, for sure, but a well bred setter is simply not an aggressive dog. In fact I am afraid my males would fare poorly in a dog fight as they just don’t have it in them.

  • Hunting prowess is also where the differences are individual, not due to gender.  In 54 years of setters I have not seen any quality difference in nose, run, bird finding, staunchness or retrieve that I could attribute to gender. 

So, the gender preference for me is a case of do what I say and not what I do.  If I was to have just one or two dogs as my personal gun dogs, they would be males. They would be my low maintenance truck buddies. Instead, I have a pack full of female dogs and only one male. But that is because I need females for breeding.  I do not believe in repeatedly breeding to the same male(s) so I do not keep my own stud dogs; instead I seek out the best stud for each breeding. My dogs are also with me for life.  When I retire a female from breeding she lives out her life as my gun dog and companion.

So I think the male vs female debate largely falls back onto the old wise words that when shopping for a puppy -  pick the breeder, then pick the litter, then just reach into the box and pick up a puppy.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Abusing the Good Name of Others

 by Lynn Dee Galey

A friend called today and asked my thoughts on a litter that has puppies available and ready to go. The litter owner was encouraging him to buy a puppy and told him that the sire was from the famous XX kennel and the dam was from the equally respected ZZ kennel so the pups were going to be great.  My friend understandably was attracted to the litter based on this pedigree since in past years his family had actually purchased from both of the named kennels. After I did a little research and checking I replied that I strongly could not recommend the litter.  My friend was surprised because he knows that I like each of the lines behind the pups.  So, what was the problem?

Kennel ZZ and Kennel XX have both been breeding for many years and they have worked hard to earn their strong reputation.  Earned it through honest, ethical breeding practices and dealings with other breeders and puppy buyers.  The problem here is that the owner of this litter is doing unethical things that the good breeders would never do yet they are bragging and banking on those good names as a sales tool. This litter owner is lying by omission by not telling potential buyers that their sire of the litter has hip dysplasia and failed his OFA xrays: they are perhaps banking on the fact that most buyers would just trust and not check the OFA database where the dog’s dysplastic results are openly listed.  In addition, the mother to the litter was bred at only 10 months of age, she had her litter before turning 1 year old.  IF the breeding was accidental, the ethical thing to do would have been to have the vet spay the female right away to avoid producing pups from this disastrous breeding.  Although the litter owner had been in recent contact with the female’s breeder, they never told them about the litter, knowing that the breeding was in direct violation of the purchase contract signed when buying her as a puppy. 

The lesson here for puppy buyers is this: if in order to sell puppies, someone is advertising other breeders kennel names from the pedigree, contact the owners of the kennels being named.  Ask them if they endorse or recommend this breeding. If it is a quality breeding involving their line they will be pleased to talk about why they think it is a good litter and you will hear it straight from the source as to what traits and characteristics their line is expected to contribute. Contact the good breeders whose name is being used, you might also learn that the litter goes against the very reputation they have worked to earn. That someone else is simply trying to profit by using their name.  Honor the names of the good breeders and be an informed buyer.

Note: Since I know that my friends will quickly ask, no, the dogs involved in this situation are not Firelight. 

Friday, April 14, 2023

Diary Page of a Dog Breeder

by Lynn Dee Galey

2:00 am.  I wake and hear Dance panting. It's too warm for April, with temperatures abruptly jumping into the 70's.  The forecast says it will peak at 80 before falling back to the more comfortable (to this northern hermit) 50's and freezes at night. 

Dance takes a big drink and looks for a snack, a positive thing since she has been protesting this whole pregnancy and whelping process by snubbing nearly every food that I bought or prepared for her. At bedtime she had fallen for the "this is my sandwich but I'll share/give it to you" trick and ate a bologna sandwich (on whole grain oat bread, for those worried about nutrition). 

Continuing with her gourmet dining I now offer her a bit of well soaked kibble with a dollop of canned cat food on top. To my delight she eats it. 

I hear noise from Annie's puppy room and check the camera. She is in the box feeding her pups, and soon they are romping around her.

I let Dance out into the yard and stand on the porch listening to the dark quiet and looking up at the clear sky and stars. She quickly comes back in to return to her pups. I crack open the window above the bed and feel the fresh air drifting in as I return to bed. 

A moment of peace and satisfaction.