Firelight Bird Dogs

Firelight Bird Dogs

Friday, November 20, 2015

The Circle of Life with Bird Dogs: Joy and Heartbreak

The circle of life has brought both joy and heartbreak to Mike and me this week.  On Weds sweet Sally delivered 10 puppies from a highly anticipated breeding and all are doing well.  That same day, my beloved Tweed (Sally's mother) underwent emergency surgery for a tumor on her spleen.  She the finest care at KState Vet U but complications developed and yesterday we lost her.  Mike and I are devastated.  Everyone who knows me know that Tweed was my constant companion, the soft pillow I cried into during hard times, and my pride and joy.  She leaves behind a legacy of many fine bird dogs and was loved by all who knew her.  Our hearts and home feel empty.....

                                                                                             Sally and her day-old puppies 

Tweed with 3 of her daughters, photo taken in the Open Range in Montana this October

Tweed on grouse, her favorite bird

Tweed this past Saturday, opening day here in Kansas, honoring a point by her daughter Storm.  Tweed was always a class act.

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